Ready to succeed in your transformation?

This coaching system helps you turn your dreams into reality. You’ll change your life and enjoy improvement in many areas. Your relationships, finances, self-esteem, health, soul and body will improve. Coacheeneering is universal and adjusted to any stage of life you are currently in. It’s fast, visible and measurable. It’s ideal for everybody, who wants to professionally and personally change from a crisis period to their desired dream life.

After studying change for over 10 years, I discovered a connection between the way we think and the results of our actions. I’ve gone through many big and long changes myself. Finally, I realized that transformations may happen much faster and might be carried out alone without long-lasting external support. This is why I’ve created a new brand “Minds&Pearls” to better transform.

Minds produce pearls. What are yours…?

Minds&Pearls is a special coaching brand developed for one reason: to help people who want to change, quickly and for good. In order to do so, we need to start doing things completely differently from a year or even a week ago. This process requires quick implementation and I’m sure after reading the content of this site you will enter the program and come back here any time you feel like you are in need of motivation. From now on, every day will be entirely new and full of positive adventures.


You will discover your hidden potential and be more aware of your skills and new competencies you need to obtain. We have prepared a lot of helpful techniques and easy-to-use tools to quickly help you understand and efficiently manage your own process of change.  You will now reach your targets easier and faster and deliver measurable results. The system is simple and transparent, and the only thing you need to do is to start ASAP and follow the process on a daily basis. Every day you will learn new things and get your rewards once lessons have been completed.



“We can say either that we make progress little by little, or that we do not even expect to make progress” Shunryu Suzuki

By using this program you can change entirely, find happiness, build perfect relationships, strengthen your self-esteem and have a better, easier and more fulfilled life. MINDS is LIFE COACHING and consists of 2 modules: CREATOR and ACCELERATOR.



“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” Peter Drucker

This is to help you better manage your start-up or mature business. PEARLS is BUSINESS COACHING and LEADERS’ COACHING. This program consists of 2 modules: LAUNCHER and GROWER.


There are 4 coaching programs. 3 subsequent and 1 independent.



CREATOR will help you learn about your surroundings, behaviors, competencies, values and discover who you really are. This is a unique automatic system [COACHEEMATIC] where you work alone on a daily basis. You will define your presence and on the other hand you will create your desired future and your new identity. Your hidden resources will be found and new unknown powers will be unleashed. This is an 8-day program and a foundation for all other activities here. It’s also a universal solution you can use anytime, anywhere for a lifetime.



LAUNCHER will support you in the development of your enterprise. This is a program designed especially to support entrepreneurs in their development. Once you’ve finished MINDS (CREATOR + ACCELERATOR) you will use LAUNCHER to enhance your business journey by relying on stable foundations. In this section, you will learn how to define your professional mission, clarify a long life vision and formulate a feasible strategy and immediately start its execution. Within the next 8 weeks you will have a full-structured company working for you.


To learn more about Solution-Focused Coaching, and the Erickson approach, visit: Thank you to Erickson Coaching Serbia ...


ACCELERATOR will catapult you to success by helping you start your journey and assisting over the course of 8 meetings/ 5 months. You will carry out your success defined in CREATOR and master its execution. You will emerge from this stage equipped with practical skills, tools, roadmaps, compasses and connections that will help you go further. Success is a steady development process that needs continuous management.


My career as an executive coach began many years ago with a phone call from the CEO of a Fortune 100 company. I had just given a leadership clinic to the CEO...


GROWER will help you as a leader in your positive change . It’s independent of other programs. By using the world’s best executive stakeholder centered coaching, successful leaders develop themselves making positive, visible, measurable and sustainable changes. The system is also designed for entire teams and their growth. Within 9-12 months successful leaders or/and teams produce measurable results and improve company culture, KPIs, and many operational matters.


Why this methodology?

By my mid 30s, I had already accomplished everything I wanted to have: my own global company, a nice apartment, a good car, and a happy family. But… I was also a workaholic and I had another addiction: success. Without it, I felt anxious and like nothing. In 2009, I was becoming increasingly unhappy and I started therapy expecting to change my life. I spent over seven years in it without any visible result. Only during the last two years of that process did I start changing. It was not because of my second therapist, who really helped me from 2015 to 2017, it was for another reason, a lack of work on myself. So, I enacted many changes; I changed my diet and stopped smoking and drinking alcohol, continuously read self-development books, and began Tai Chi training. In addition, I exchanged staying up late for getting up at 5 a.m., began writing books, working out and focusing on areas I could learn. In just 2018 I read and listened to over 100 books and decided to find a way to help people like me solve life problems quickly and sustainably. In 2019, I discovered coaching and decided to become a coach myself. I completed two of the world’s best courses: Erickson International for life coaching and Marshal Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching for leaders coaching. Parallelly, I collected the most important materials from my 30 years of professional experience and used my vivid competences in building companies, strategy creation and execution, crisis management and using difficulties as leverage for company development. I’ve noticed that many people ask me for help in business matters too. Finally, in order to put everything under one roof and give meaning to this activity, I created a new brand, Minds&Pearls, a collection of the best systems, training methods and techniques from life, business and leader coaching. In contrast to many coaching offers, not only is Minds&Pearls result-oriented, but also time-limited. It produces visible, sustainable and positive changes. It is available an a daily basis in comparison to other coaching systems which are weekly or monthly. On top of that, what makes me entirely different from most coaches is that I know through experience how to produce success against all odds.

Whatever it is, the way you plan your journey can make one difference.

The way you start your journey will make all the difference…