
This is a place where you fill up with inspiration and gain new skills...

You will find material divided into 4 collections of various sources, covering supportive content, authors and concepts. Using all of them simultaniously makes the process of learning much more interesting and therefore more efficient.

Exploring these books, websites, documents and videos in 3 coaching categories: life, business and leaders, helps you locate solutions quickly.

Your treasury of useful resources


Self-development books chosen to find quick support and inspiration when looking for a solution. Reading books and looking for their writers’ inspirations in other books makes the process of change much more efficient. You will also learn here how to write books, easily publish them and organise promotions of your works.


Links to important internet sites, full of precious knowledge and all kinds of support to accelerate your proccess of change. You will discover influential people, new ways of learning and broaden your awareness on how to search areas needed for your own development and growth. This is another goldmine full of material making you more resourceful.


Written tools, designed to accelerate progress and gain more control over where you are. All files are carefully chosen to help you manage the change, archive the most important matters and support you in preparing your own documents for a change ideally adjusted to your specific needs and tastes. Reports, plans, Excel sheets and many .pdf files will be at hand.


Recordings of speeches, interviews, conferences and talk shows. Valuable ideas, theories and principles needed for change and self-development are available. Many videos contain information on books, websites or other resources that are important for learning and conquering new territories of knowledge, experience and expertise.