“It’s not about the coach - it’s about the leader.”

The Coaching for Behavioral Change process has been used around the world with great success by internal and external coaches. Follow the steps in this serie...

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“Change happens because the leader implemented the process. Other internal/external factors have limited impact on outcomes, including: the environment, the industry, cultural differences, and even the coach.”

A comprehensive study among 11,000 business leaders in 6 multinational companies on 4 continents concluded that 95% of leaders who consistently applied the Stakeholder Centered Coaching process measurably improved their leadership effectiveness (“Le…

A comprehensive study among 11,000 business leaders in 6 multinational companies on 4 continents concluded that 95% of leaders who consistently applied the Stakeholder Centered Coaching process measurably improved their leadership effectiveness (“Leadership is a Contact Sport”, Strategy & Business Sep 2004. Leadership is a contact sport Download the article)

“Better” means measurable positive change in pre-selected leadership behaviors as determined by pre-selected key stakeholders. “

“Marshall Goldsmith is one of the world’s most accomplished and in-demand executive coaches. With a client list that is a who’s who of the highest level global CEOs, he is very selective in choosing clients. Marshall’s clients are CEOs whose work is critically important to the organization. He currently has a waiting list of six months for any potential new clients. Marshall’s coaching process is unique.  He only gets paid after his clients get better! “Better” is not defined by Marshall or by his individual clients. “Better” means measurable positive change in pre-selected leadership behaviors as determined by pre-selected key stakeholders. “

Marshall Goldsmith Coaching




The process of  Marshall Goldsmith’s leader coaching

The process of Marshall Goldsmith’s leader coaching

One day, a successful leader decides to change for the better. At first, he selects a group of 6-12 stakeholders that will be involved in the coaching process. The stakeholders play the role of clients during the leader’s change. Then, a 360-degree assessment of the leader’s performance is carried out. A coach interview with chosen stakeholders will follow the assessment in order to objectively define the leader’s strengths and areas for growth. This is also to gain real context by talking to their colleagues in person. Next, the leader chooses 1-2 areas for further growth and he commits to complete the journey of his/her change. The stakeholders are witnesses that the change is sustainable and visible. The leader takes care of proper measurement of the change during the next months of the entire coaching process.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”  Great managers get feedback often.  The purpose of feedback is to understand what is already on the minds of stakeholders.  By receiving feedback leaders learn precisely which of their b…

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”  Great managers get feedback often.  The purpose of feedback is to understand what is already on the minds of stakeholders.  By receiving feedback leaders learn precisely which of their behaviors present the greatest bottleneck to effective leadership and these behaviors become the focal point for the coaching engagement.  

The leader selects a group of 6-12 stakeholders: bosses, direct reports and peers. Throughout Marshall Goldsmith coaching, a  leader involves these stakeholders on a monthly basis in the leadership growth process.

A leader defines 1-2 areas for further improvement and takes into consideration which of these areas to develop are the most important. To determine the focus, 360 -degree leadership assessments and behavioral interviews are used.

A leader defines 1-2 areas for further improvement and takes into consideration which of these areas to develop are the most important. To determine the focus, 360 -degree leadership assessments and behavioral interviews are used.

A growth area should be behavioral because it can be observed by stakeholders.  They can see the changes we make.  When leaders do these behaviors frequently and consistently, they will become habits, ensuring long-term, sustainable change…

A growth area should be behavioral because it can be observed by stakeholders.  They can see the changes we make.  When leaders do these behaviors frequently and consistently, they will become habits, ensuring long-term, sustainable change. The leader has made two critical commitments in this session thus far - to their growth areas and to the benefits from his development.  A pivotal commitment in the coaching engagement takes place next: the commitment to involving stakeholders.

Each month during a meeting lasting  less than 5 minutes stakeholders will provide the leader with suggestions that will contribute to the effectiveness of their collaboration. This also directly affects the quality of their life at work. By using t…

Each month during a meeting lasting less than 5 minutes stakeholders will provide the leader with suggestions that will contribute to the effectiveness of their collaboration. This also directly affects the quality of their life at work. By using the Feed-forward circle the leader improves areas chosen for development. He asks what kind of behaviour should be improved within the next month. He listens and takes notice. He thanks the stakeholders for their time and help. Then he thinks on how to implement the stakeholders’ suggestions. He responds by saying what kind of application will be used, and within the next month, he will begin implementing the desired behavior. In a month’s time the leader will ask the stakeholders again what else could be done in order to improve once behavioral targets for this month have been achieved.

The feed-forward directed approach of Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centred Coaching is a pivotal factor in the successful change of a leader. As a coach, my role is to facilitate this approach and help in the process of change. The success of my c…

The feed-forward directed approach of Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centred Coaching is a pivotal factor in the successful change of a leader. As a coach, my role is to facilitate this approach and help in the process of change. The success of my clients is MY success and working together with them on a weekly basis with 24/7 assisstance makes this process measurable and achievable by 95% of managers.

I’m a certified coach in Stakeholder Centered Coaching in: Leader CoachingTeam Coaching Global Leadership Assessment 360

I’m a certified coach in Stakeholder Centered Coaching in:

  • Leader Coaching

  • Team Coaching

  • Global Leadership Assessment 360

Leader’s success is guaranteed

The Stakeholder Centered Coaching program includes a success guarantee. My commitment is to support leaders to become more effective in their organisation, this is also in my coaching service fee.

100% of the coaching fees for the regular programme are subject to measurable change demonstrated by the leaders as assessed by his/her stakeholders.

I will get paid only if a leader gets better.