Life strategy execution - ACCELERATOR

This is the second stage of your development. You are going to complete your own system of personal transformation faster than working by yourself. The goal of this 3-5 month project is to go with the plan you created during CREATOR stage. You are well prepared now and you are focused on your goal. In order to complete your mission more efficiently, you will work together with a professional coach.

Welcome to ACCELERATOR - a unique coaching program for successful and fast change management!

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During ACCELERATOR, the rules of Solution Focused Coaching by Erickson International are applied.

There are 3 main purposes of ACCELERATOR:




Identity strengthening

Target: define values and principles of your identity

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By identifying core values you will be able to build a very solid foundation for your identity. Special modeling tools along with value discovery techniques will be applied here for precise definition of your very unique set of values.


Seeking clarity

Target: Full clarity by naming the meaning of your life purpose

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This is to help you entirely understand the meaning of matters important for you. New roles chosen for a better life will likely require different skills and competences. Maybe new partners will be needed in a new surrounding and with your completely different behavior.


Accelerating change

Target: maximizing your potential

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This is to let you go through your change at full speed being guided by a structure that helps you stay on track. The coach will help you follow your planned transformation and ensure that you’re using time efficiently. That’s why this approach produces such synergetic results.

Program organization

8 coaching sessions

This is a program consisting of 8 coaching sessions. The first is a pre-contract session where a client defines their coaching targets and clarifies all results that are expected during the process of coaching. The second session is to confirm the plan and begin carrying out its milestones. The subsequent 2 sessions are follow-up meetings focusing on matters the client finds most important in carrying out the mission. The fourth session is a check-up where all KPIs are monitored in order to ensure the process is well managed by the client. The following 3 sessions are a continuation of the plan with a focus on matters important in carrying out the details of the transformation. The eighth session is a final meeting where all coaching targets completed are compared with desired outcome planned.

1 meeting a week or 2 meetings a month

In order to go through your transformation quickly and in a limited time frame, the 8 coaching sessions above should follow a certain schedule, such as once per week or twice per month. This helps keep consequence and discipline. All meetings require timeliness and preparation.

Flexible sessions

 Sessions are conducted in my office, walk and talk in places chosen by clients or on Skype, Zoom, etc.

Daily work

Meetings with a coach produce fruitful results and vivid opportunities. Most of those matters require further work after the coaching session. Most often these conclusions may be immediately applied. Each client is expected to work on their commitments between sessions. In most cases, these are daily activities.

Coach’s 24/7 support

In order to produce desired results, changes in behavior are expected to be applied ASAP when they appear in the coaching process. It means some behaviors might be improved and some of them replaced by better or different ones. This is simple but not easy.


Reserve your coaching plan!

Before starting ACCELARATOR you must first complete CREATOR.