Coaching offer

We specialize in recovery and development in difficult times.

“There is no failure. There is feed-forward”,

Dominik Szot, Minds&Pearls Founder

We help find meaning and clarity in life and business. Our coaching supports to change and manage life strategies for success by delivering visible, measurable and sustainable results. Our system of change is called COACHEENEERING and there are 4 coaching steps to reach your desired output:

  • CREATOR - Get ready and create your own plan for success!

  • ACCELERATOR: Speed things up by having life sessions with a coach!

  • LAUNCHER: Build business models, entreprise growth strategies and company development plans with my support!

  • GROWER: Grow as a successful leader through executive coaching with either your team or the entire organization!

You are free to start when you are ready and only you are responsible for completing it for the sake of your own growth.

Most people are ready for change but they are not ready to put in the work. In order to have measurable, visible and sustainable change, you need to have commitment and discipline. Change works only this way…. I will support you and help in any situation. As long as there is daily work, there is daily success.

The compound effect is the main ally of any sustainable change. Mainly yours…

Step 1 - CREATOR


The first stage of your development is focused on preparation and creating a desired change, its destination and expected results. That's why this part of coacheeneering is called CREATOR. The goal of this 8-day challenge is to plan the way for your future development and prepare for life sessions with a coach. You are in charge of this and have our support for whatever you may need. CREATOR is a part of COACHEEMATIC: a patented self-coaching.


Completion of CREATOR (Step 1) is required before beginning ACCELERATOR.


Life engineering in a process of accelerating change after creating the plan for life. After creating detailed milestones during the CREATOR step and starting the self-development journey, there might be questions, objections or simply mentoring needs . ACCELERATOR is designed to structure and measure the results of the change and ensure its sustainable success. It’s a unique system of 8 coaching meetings where the material collected and worked out in Step 1 will be used to speed up the process of self-development over the next 2-5 months.

We use the methodology of Erickson International Solution Focused Coaching.



Through Business Coaching you can progress even further. This program is about entrepreneurship. You may continue the development by completing at least 50% of ACCELERATOR. This particular coaching assists you in achieving full clarity and solving difficulties.

Red Pearl is a business consulting agency specializing in:

  • business development,

  • crisis management,

  • recovery from failures,

  • company culture change,

  • team building in difficult times,

  • forward movement despite all possible difficulties.

LAUNCHER is suitable for both owners of start-ups or experienced businessmen who may have lost their way. 


Step 4 - GROWER



By using Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching, the system designed by the world’s #1 executive coach, I will help you and your organization develop and grow. It’s designed for both succesful leaders’ growth and team development.


Free your responsibility for growth !

  • Freedom: you can choose to start anytime you want and you can also quit whenever you desire. The decision is only yours.

  • Responsibility: only you are responsible for your progress. Everything depends on when you start and how long you’ll walk.

  • Growth: you can achieve anything you can imagine. You will create a strategy, collect appropriate resources, and you’ll achieve it.


Make it happen now!