Fast - Life strategy - Creator

This is the first stage of your development. You are going to define your own system of change. The goal of this instant self-coaching program is to plan the way for your future development. You are in charge of this and have our support for whatever you may need. That’s why we call it COACHEEMATIC. When you finish CREATOR you are prepared to have one-on-one coaching meetings with a professional coach.


There are 4 main purposes of this task:

  • ANALYSIS - analyze your role in life,

  • VISION - define your life mission and life target,

  • STRATEGY - choose resources you need to have in order to complete this mission,

  • EXECUTION - in the last day you’re going to plan your way and start progressing toward your goals.

In addition to the above, one of the main purposes is also to improve your level of discipline and commitment towards changing your life. On the 8th day, you are ready to go out on your own with a map (Strategy and Execution Plan) and a compass (Mission and Vision) in your hands. If you need any support, I will be waiting for you when you decide to enter the next program of this coaching system: ACCELERATOR. If you decide so, I will be coaching you in person.

CREATOR FULL VERSION: Define Your Future Life Vision and Mission, Create Your Life Strategy and Execution Plan

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Your 8-day self-coaching

The goal of this 8-day challenge is to design your new life. You will also discover your potential, skills and resources. You will strengthen your self-esteem and focus on your competences, values and strong points of your character. You will also discover what automatic coaching is and what how it may benefit you. You will define or sharpen both your future world and role in that system. When you finish it, you will have a clearer picture of your destination. You will learn more and more about what is important for you, who you really want to become, and what kind of life you are going to lead.

On the first day you will discover matters from your SURROUNDINGS and in the following days you will continue with other areas. On Day 2, you will discover your behaviors and ways to improve them. The next day is to find out what resources are at your disposal and what you could have as supplementary equipment in your journey into the future. The day after, you will write down your life principles and collect the most important values. Day 5 will touch on your identity and the roles you want to play in the future. Your mission and calling will then appear the next day. On Day 7, you will synthesize your NEW LIFE STRATEGY, and on Day 8, you will have your detailed plan on how to make your life goals come true.

The whole set is only 29€.

Instead of 108 Euro you pay less than 1/3 of it and save 70%.

(3,62 Euro Euro per each coaching session)