Dynamic Executive Coaching

We focus on leader’s legacy and help leaders faster achieve their goals. We specialize in development in challenging times and rapidly changing circumstances.

If you are an entrepreneur, leader, board member or a top manager of any kind, most probably this is the right place for you to find somebody who will entirely understand you because I have a very similar background.     

If you have any business or private matters that require a fruitful discussion with another professional, you are in the right place.

Mostly, there are two types of result-oriented discussions:

  • those directed to solving leader’s current challenge. If you have a situation that is hard to overcome, you can suddenly figure out new solutions you haven’t taken into consideration so far during our 60 minute session.

  • and others focused on finding missing elements in a project. Sometimes you can have a project almost ready to launch, but still there is a little something that needs an additional scenario, back-up plan or just a confirmation that you are on the right path. You will also work it out with me during our meetings.    

I am your sounding board which gives you constructive feedback by asking special questions, so you will gain access to new perspectives to see your reality from a broader or different point of view. Additionally, you will be able conquer challenges more easily and your future vision or action plan will be fully complete. Sometimes in your life there is a wave of setbacks which seems too high to stand up to alone, and then you can have someone at hand who will be there with you. This is what I am for: to help you quickly find meaning and clarity in your life and business.

I’m 50 years old, and I’ve experienced many adventures throughout my life and business career. My personal drive and intrinsic resilience together with 30 years of global entrepreneurial experience and proven coaching expertise will support your fast improvement. The next step is to organize your strategy and actions in order to achieve your goals faster and easier.

By using coacheeneering: a unique coaching system to guarantee success, every individual can quickly generate visible changes and improve their life, career or business management. Life coaching, business coaching and executive coaching are all here in one place. This combination of 3 coaching areas is intrinsically related to a leader’s fast success because their life is a mixture of those 3 worlds.

This coaching system is easy and fast.

You choose a program and take part in 8 coaching sessions to complete it.

With your participation and commitment, it can start now!

With your participation and commitment, it can start now!

The coacheeneering system is simple. There are 3 subsequent programs of continuous self-development: CREATOR, ACCELERATOR, and LAUNCHER. With personal coaching, every individual can discover new possibilities for further and unstoppable growth. It’s like progressing through the grades at school or belts in martial arts.

What is most important, the first stage: CREATOR gives you the unique opportunity to answer any questions that will support your further growth and development. This is also a unique approach that saves your time and money and generates much better preparation for future changes.

If you want to speed up your improvement, then participating in ACCELERATOR will give you full support. You can start coaching sessions with a professional coach for solving questions that remain open.

If you have any business matters that require support or professional help, I will be at your disposal with my 30 years of international entrepreneurial experience. This is what LAUNCHER is for: to begin an entirely new business or to re-launch the current one after failure, crises or during re-engineering.

In addition, participating in GROWER for specialized executive coaching for successful leaders enables the complete and multidimensional self-improvement of individuals, teams and entire organizations.

If you want to change, simply do it!.

Only action can transform anything.

“What is unique about working with Dominik is his coaching and mentoring competences along with his rich life and professional experience as an entrepreneur.”

Coacheenering characteristics

A specialized entrepreneur-coach is with you all the time helping you cope with challenges and ensuring your constant development.

You can enter or exit the coacheeneering program at any time. You’re working on your own, and only for yourself.

Coacheeneering is going to give you a special structure for creating new behavioral patterns, backed by values and identity transformation. The base is your future change, designed and managed by you and supported by certified coaches.

Minds&Pearls is a coaching brand that makes all improvement processes simple and clear. The best coaching practices and business experience have been collected here together under one roof in order to give clients the best coaching results.


Dominik Szot, Minds&Pearls Founder